Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Aztec Quiz

1. Where did the Aztecs originate from?
2. Did they believe in many gods?
3. What language did they speak?
4. What was the most important vegetable to the Aztecs?
5. What sweet food did the Aztecs adore? 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Aztec Calender

The Aztecs created a Calender that is now known as the Aztec Calender. It was used by the Aztec people and Pre-Colombian people in central Mexico. It was one of the most Mesoamerican calendars ever made. It shared the basic structure of calendars and time throughout ancient Mesoameriaca.

Aztec Record System

The Aztec people had a advanced way of keeping records.
They used their own language called N'ahuatl and created and alphabet. 
The records were written on bark or deer skin with charcoal. They then colored their documents with vegetables and herbs. 
They kept records of sacrifices, tax records, poetry, and historical events. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Aztec Economy

Aztec economy was based on three things.  Market exchange, tribute payment, and agricultural production were the three. The Aztec market system was both local and long-distance trade. 
Markets were held on a regular basis. 
Tribute collection was a reason why the Aztecs had a large conquest of region. Tributes paid to the empire goods or services, depending on the distance and status of tributary city. 
The Aztecs created experienced agricultural systems that included: irrigation systems, floating fields, and terrace systems.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Flying Bird Games

The flying bird game was the second most popular game in the Aztec community. This game resulted in many more injuries that ball games. It is also referred to as "Volador". 

The goal of the game is to see who is the best flying bird. The players dress up in costumes that are designed to look like eagles. They had beaks and colorful feathers. The game was extremely dangerous. 

First, competitors had to climb a pole that ranged from 60 to 90 feet high. At the top, each player ties a rope to the top of the pole. They had to keep a grip on the rope by holding their legs tightly together against the rope. Then, they would push off the pole and swing upside down in the surrounding area. Points were scored for style, costume design, and speed. The purpose of the game was that the players looked like flying eagles, which many people gathered to watch. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Video on Aztec Encounters

This is a video that is 2 minutes long about Aztec encounters. http://www.history.com/topics/aztecs/videos#

Prophecy of Quexalcote

A 3 minute video. http://www.history.com/topics/aztecs/videos#


Upper class Aztecs wore expensive clothes made from cotten. They were brightly dyed and embroidered with feathers.  
Lower class Aztecs wore simple clothes. It was often made of the fibers of maguey leaves,spun into thread and woven. 
Merchants wore a mix of upper class clothing and lower class clothing.
Military men wore colored and designed clothing to show which group of warriors they belonged to. 
Male slaves wore simple loin cloth. Some tied to their shoulder and waist. 
Women wore long skirts tied at the waist and a sleeveless blouse. 
Children wore clothes similar to their patents.
Priests had a special garment they always wore. It was a sleeveless waistcoat that stopped at the knee. They always had a small backpack that contained tobacco. 
Rulers had the most expensive clothes of all. They wore long and heavy embroidered clothes tied at the front. 

Aztec Marriages

All Aztec men got married at the age of 20. 
All woman got married at the age of 14-15. Younger than men. 
Upperclass Marriages were arranged usually by a professional matchmaker.
Lowerclass marriages usually had freedom of marriage but their parents made the decision and the girls could make a suggestion once a while.
The bride's family gave an honor of feast. The feast could last several days.. 
Once the bride had to go to her new house, the groom would carry her on his back home.
After they reached their new home they had to tie their coats to one another under the hearth or cooking area, and then they would be officially married. 
Once a woman was married the woman could run a business at her house.
Both parents had to raise their kids and teach them behavior. If the parents did not teach their behavior to their children then they could be punished. 
If woman wished they could be divorced but they would only get half the goods owned by herself or husband.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Aztec PowerPoint

Here's a PowerPoint all about the Aztec's!

Aztec God Game

Here's a game on the gods the Aztec's believed in........

Aztec Afterlife

The Aztecs believed in the afterlife. After they died, they believed they would be assigned a job to help their gods to perform a certain task. The job assigned to them was not based of of how their life was set, but of how they died. 
For example:
Warriors who died in war became butterflies and hummingbirds. 
People who died of natural causes had unpleasant afterlife jobs. They would serve the Lord of the dead.
Woman who died in childbirth were supposed to help the Sun god. 
People who died from lighting, drowning and some diseases were believed to have been chosen to serve the rain and storm God. These people lived their afterlife in flowers. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ball Games

Ball games were the most popular games for Aztecs. The goal of the game was simple, but scoring wasn't. Aztecs had many proffesional players. One of the reasons why ball games were so popular is because every Aztec empire had a ball court.  The way a goal could be made was that the ball had to be shot through the hoop. The hoops were 10 ft. above the ball court and the width was about only a foot wide. There were no rules on how to be stopped by making points. Many players were injured while playing Aztec Ball.